It appears that the powers that be cannot leave well enough alone and that the Legendary Epoch of Isa's Bodegueta Caballeros is at an end - this writer still cannot accept it ... ¿será posíble han hecho imposible seguir la juerga?
No nos quitan lo bailao - they won't take away what we have danced
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday, March 14, 2008
Forofositióforo - A kind of fan site and forum for Carmen and La Bodegueta
Aqui un sitio web con forma de blog dedicado a la famosa Bodegueta.
I suppose that's what this blog would be after all, a fan site - se supone que esto es un blog para aficionados ó forófos del famoso lugar La Bodegueta, de la incomparable Isa, en el corazón del famós barri del Carme, in Sunny Valencia by the Sea, Spain.
Grato es llegar a tiempo para disfrutar del ambiente a medianoche (ó trasnocheando cuando ocurre), pues es algo increíble cuando llega todo a su punto de spontaneous combustion a lo bárbaro - I love hanging out there, and nine times out of ten if I am out and about at all it is a safe bet that by midnight or half-past I am at the bar enjoying the gathering atmosphere as the local musicians come in from whatever gigs they had during the evening and the place begins to come alive for the real party.
Comentád aqui si quereis - cierto es q hay mil historias, y si alguien quiera puede aqui compartir y contar ...
You yourself may have a story or two to share, and I will share the occasional piece of video or artwork.
Time now then, to order another doble, or, if it's late enough, that last mistela.
[I will buy a Malaga Virgen for you if you can say the blog entry title three times fast]
I suppose that's what this blog would be after all, a fan site - se supone que esto es un blog para aficionados ó forófos del famoso lugar La Bodegueta, de la incomparable Isa, en el corazón del famós barri del Carme, in Sunny Valencia by the Sea, Spain.
Grato es llegar a tiempo para disfrutar del ambiente a medianoche (ó trasnocheando cuando ocurre), pues es algo increíble cuando llega todo a su punto de spontaneous combustion a lo bárbaro - I love hanging out there, and nine times out of ten if I am out and about at all it is a safe bet that by midnight or half-past I am at the bar enjoying the gathering atmosphere as the local musicians come in from whatever gigs they had during the evening and the place begins to come alive for the real party.
Comentád aqui si quereis - cierto es q hay mil historias, y si alguien quiera puede aqui compartir y contar ...
You yourself may have a story or two to share, and I will share the occasional piece of video or artwork.
Time now then, to order another doble, or, if it's late enough, that last mistela.
[I will buy a Malaga Virgen for you if you can say the blog entry title three times fast]
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